Player Course
Module 2
Expand the comfort zone on your weaker foot and use it to start establishing a finely coordinated two-footedness step-by-step. At the end of this module, your weaker foot approaches the stronger foot until both are almost on par!
Presented by
Matthias Nowak
$129 $79
23 Exercises
103 Videos
Made for
Players who want to become two-footed
Create two-footedness
In this module, we delve deeply into the COGNIGOALS toolbox: exercises are performed on both sides of the body to train two-footedness, task switching is used to train cognitive flexibility, and cognitive add-ons are incorporated to train working memory and promote automation processes.
In the second module, we start to develop two-footedness by intensifying the use of so-called "transfer effects," which ensure that the progress made with your stronger foot is gradually transferred to the weaker foot.
We achieve this by having the stronger foot perform tasks that are just slightly more difficult than those performed by the weaker foot, with regular alternation between the two feet.
Ultimately, this leads to a finely coordinated two-footedness, where, by the end of this module, your weaker foot is only "one step" behind the stronger foot!
What you can expect
Modul Intro
Modul Outro
Motor-cognitive training easy to understand
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Create a finely coordinated two-footedness
Your will learn equally challenging movement tasks on both sides that you can perform with high speed and your gaze ahead. The "comfort level" on your weak foot increases!
Noticeable improvement of the weak foot
You'll experience noticeable improvements in your formerly weaker foot, allowing you to, for the first time, play precise long-distance aerial balls or score multiple goals with what used to be your "less favored" foot.
Enhanced movement economy
Your movements should shift from non-harmonic, somewhat robotic movements towards more fluid and efficient ones.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Meet the instructor
Matthias Nowak
The module is presented by Matthias Nowak, who has an 8-year track record as a technical and creative coach for FC Bayern Munich. He is considered by many to be one of the most experienced and innovative cognition coaches in the world.
Cognitive training that works!
The first course specifically aimed at two-footedness
An interactive, high-quality video learning platform
Access to our scientific glossary
Hundreds of exclusive exercises with special coaching tips
Includes certificate of participation
Mobile Apps for iOS und Android
Player Course L1
Includes Player Course Module 1, Module 2, and Module 3
Hamburger SV
The defender for the Hamburger SV and the German U17 national team was able to improve her decision-making speed and game intelligence through COGNIGOALS training, much to the detriment of her opponents. More about Annaleen.
Kieler MTV
The versatile defender is especially known for his winning mentality and his emotional and rugged playing style. COGNIGOALS training has taken his technique, fitness, and decision-making speed to a new level. Learn all about Piet.